
“It is not about overcoming my issue so I can get on with life…but rather going through my issue is me fully living my life.” – Thomas Huebl


Healing happens within relationship… Exploration within a relationship of mutual respect and resonance… We have an innate capacity for healing and fulfilling our purpose in this world.

There are several approaches to healing.
How do you know which one is right for you?

I am present to your intention.
What would you like to have happen in our work together?

I listen and receive you.
I am precise in my discernment to know what may be most helpful to you.

I am curious....

It is important to know what deserves attention at what time in your life.

  • Did you experience early family trauma that persisted throughout your childhood that may be affecting present relationships?

  • Or have you already addressed childhood issues yet unhealthy patterns of behavior or relationship still persist?

  • Would a more systemic approach be appropriate? Are there relatives or ancestors involved?

  • Are you seeking support to live your true authentic potential?

  • Does spirit play a role?

It is the therapist’s task to listen closely and discern what is called for. To assist you on your journey, a safe space is created where you can connect to yourself; where you learn to trust your intuition and come to an inner alignment with your true nature. The relationship between you and me becomes a resource for the discomfort of habitual patterns to move towards healing.

With a new body awareness, shift in emotion and/or a new relationship to your mental patterns, the transformation process is set in motion.

This can be a sacred moment for a new possibility to emerge.