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Seeking Connection in a Disconnected World- Principles of Systemic Constellation Work - VIRTUAL EVENT

  • Aligned Center VIRTUAL Irvington, NY USA (map)


Where do we come from? Who are we? Where are we going?

We are living in a time of uncertainty and polarization. We are seeking a foundation of support during these times.

Systemic Constellation work helps us to recognize where we come from, who we are, and can point us towards future possibility.

How do the fundamental principles of systemic constellation work apply to our relationships, families and our lives and how can they be used to heal? How can an understanding of the natural laws that govern our lives’ help us?

We invite you to explore this process through four online workshops with master facilitator Eve-Marie Elkin.

Systemic & Family Constellations

Systemic & Family Constellations is a revolutionary approach to addressing personal and systemic issues—whether in relationship to others, at work, with the self, or with the world at large—that enables individuals to overcome dysfunctional patterns that have been repeated in families or in cultures for generations. It provides a unique level of perspective that supports healing, wholeness and change. It aids in the important self-growth aspect of “cleaning up,” one facet of The Aligned Center philosophy that pertains to healing the subconscious.

This brand new series of online constellation workshops will be guided by Eve-Marie Elkin, LMSW, psychotherapist and Systemic & Family Constellations therapist, who will lead us into a profound exploration how this approach can help us reach our full potential.

Session Structure:

  • Settle down – short meditation

  • Talk on one of the Principles of Systemic Constellation Work – see Four Sessions below

  • Personal Sharing: Constellation Exercise and Discussion

Four Sessions:

Week One: November 5, 2020 – Introduction to the workings of systems – a new perspective; a fundamental understanding that creates order and harmony; personal conscience vs. collective conscience

Week Two: November 12, 2020 – Conscious and unconscious loyalties in families. Belonging; Bonding; Balance.

Week Three: November 19, 2020 – Entanglement: what stops you from being who you are? clearing the lens through which we see. Phenomenological approach: the practice of being present to all that is.

Week Four: December 3, 2020 – Ancestral resources: what are the pulls of the past that shape our present? The field: the invisible ties that bind us.

By Zoom.

7:00 – 9:00 pm EST

Thursday, November 5, 12, 19 and December 3, 2020 (skips the week of Thanksgiving)

Cost: $160 for four sessions.

Registration required. Please make sure you register for the specific workshop you plan to attend by clicking through to the correct date.

Please register here