As Summer Allows Me to Slow Down

As we head into the middle of the summer I am beginning to slow down enough to experience more space and time for my authentic rhythm to emerge. 

It began last week when I decided to drive down to DC to visit a dear friend and colleague. Our intention was to create a family constellation training together— hers in DC, mine in NY.

Being away from home and in another environment without my usual distractions opened a space. A sense of timelessness allowed me to follow my rhythm of when to work, when to connect with my friend,  when to eat,  when to move my body. 

I began to feel my heart connection to my friend. Work became a creative exchange between us- embedded within this heart connection. 

I came home feeling vitalized and inspired to move forward with my offering.

Connecting with my rhythm evoked my desire to share my knowledge and experience with you.

When there is early trauma -whether in the form of a single event or from ongoing abusive relationship-  the experience of space and time is compromised and there is no connection to authentic rhythm anymore. The natural regulation of the nervous system has been disrupted. 

This creates symptoms that bring us out of alignment. When not addressed the trauma cycle is repeated- in one’s personal life and eventually through the generations.

A constellation addresses this. Space opens for the family and generational dynamic to be seen and experienced. Time is no longer linear as we look at our ancestors simultaneously with the present. The opening of space and the fluidity of time enables us to find our rightful place and rhythm.


Eve-Marie Elkin