The World in Tension

The world today is in tension. This tension resides within us personally as well as in our society as a collective. We suffer from a loss of place and sense of belonging. Our inner homes have been hurt, for many traumatized, leading to a sense of disorientation and loss of identity. In order to protect ourselves we have fabricated our lives from the outside- in, building structures that stand on shaky foundations. These structures - both inner and outer- are collapsing as the shadow of our unconscious is beginning to surface. 

Now is the time to look at this. 

Our experience and perception of reality has a strong impact on how we feel we belong and on how we shape our lives and contribute to the world. 

There is a reason that the word trauma is gaining such prevalence today. When the repercussions of abuse, violence or neglect are not addressed, trauma ensues. Parts of our psyche become numb. Emotions become too much to tolerate. We may become addicted to acquiring material things to fill the void of numbness within. We feel we never have enough. Scarcity runs our lives. 

In the world at large we have become numb to the impending crises. 

First we must wake up to ourselves- to those parts within that have become numb and frozen. This can only be done in a safe environment in small increments. 

Eve-Marie Elkin